Saturday, January 18, 2014

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack

Disclaimer - I have no clue what this is going to look like. I haven't been here in quite a while, and Blogger has changed so this could really be weird display-wise. Advance apologies. So, I thought I'd come back to my 5 followers, and start some posting again. Mostly because I have this constant running script in my head and talk to myself and figured "what a waste! All my fantastic ramblings are not going on paper!" Yes, I am a prolific and wealthy author in my own mind. Anyway, I like to cook, and bake, and spend a lot of time in the kitchen, and lately on Facebook there are a lot of recipes that are getting posted from all over the place. I've been trying them and commenting, and I feel it is my duty to let people know if it was any good or not. I did start this blog with some posts about cooking and such, so it's kind of going back to my original idea. Maybe I'll come up with a rating system, and I promise that I'll post a link of the recipe itself. And I'll do each as a separate post. So let's go back to where I left off....

1 comment:

  1. love proud of you!!! I have blogged and vented and voiced my opinions warrented or not.....but I have done it on a different sight and used a created name. I've been exactly where you are however I was in denial. Then I decided that I was letting it run me. So I decided to run my own life and accept what I had been handed and made it work.Maybe this blog isis what you're meant to do. You've inspired me already!!!
    Love you friend!!!!
