Friday, February 13, 2009

The day of which we shall not speak

Ok I was typing away and my stuff disappeared but I will recreate because I love you all and you're worth it.

Let us not mention what today is. I do not like to speak it's name or number. I am paranoid and superstitious and will remain that way, thank you very much. But I will feel better when it is tomorrow.

I do believe we have reached maximum joy, if that's even possible, with the reality tv right now. What's in my line-up? Survivor started last night, Amazing Race will start Sunday, we have OC Housewives going out but the ladies of NYC on their loud and fairly not classy way in, Top Chef is getting good, Hell's Kitchen is up and running, Paranormal State and Ghosthunters International have new episodes, Bret Michaels increased the skank quotient on his Love Bus threefold, AMERICAN IDOL NEED I SAY MORE, and then, to what do my wondering eyes should appear, but this magically dark and frightening cooking competition!
(sorry can't embed the video)

Was is das?! Chef Marco Pierre White hosts the Chopping Block????? I must know more. He made Gordon Ramsey cry?! The hell you say! Chef at the Yew Tree in England - oh I just read the menu and I must go now because they have one of my favorite things: a cheese plate with quince paste/jelly...oh how I love that....

Actually he's a fairly prolific chef with quite a career:

So March 11th for that!!!

What else? So this low/no carb thing...I am starving all the time. I just ate 3 eggs plus a ginormous tomato and I am still starving. Would someone please tell me what else I can eat? I'm not losing any weight either. So my doc says, well are you exercising? I say yes - pilates, yoga, zumba, whatever I can get to with my schedule. She says are you doing anything weight bearing? I said I'm bearing my own weight, lady. Well then, there you go, says she. You need to do weight bearing exercise. UGH. Ok so first I starve myself. Nada. Jenny Criag. No luck. South Beach diet. Nuttin. Why? Apparently if i carried around more than a 25 lb baby, or at least carried him around while I was exercising then I'd be a size 4 again. Seriously? I might have to shell out for that nutritionist after all.

Now I know I am not updating you on reality TV why? I haven't caught up. Not even on Survivor. Damn that DVR! It is evil - I watch everything but what's actually on. I have decided that if I were younger, I would be Ryan's college girlfriend (he of the Penn State Paranormal Society), although I'm picking up some gaydar there. And of course that if I were a stripper I'd be on the Love Bus. I am reserving Idol thoughts until we have our first 12 contestants compete on Tuesday. Which it appears they are not doing the boy/girl thing; it's co-ed. Great. I was intrigued btw, by Natasha's make-up on the Love Bus. I hadn't seen anything quite like it.

why would you want to have this droopy dawg thing going on with the eyes? like a sad Halloween mask.

and in case you didn't know she is a) a porn star, b) an actual girl, not a man, although it wouldn't surprise me.

Until AI Tues.....smell ya later.....

1 comment:

  1. good blog. who is your whackadoodle doctor anyways?
